Speak from the heart

We invite you to join us next Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 7:00 pm for an open topic evening.

If you have a story you want to share, bring it. There will be time to ask questions or talk about insights. When we share from our lives, it can be very encouraging to everyone in the room:

  • We feel that we are not alone and we can inspire each other.
  • Openly share from the heart what we have seen new. Uncertainties. Questions to which we do not yet have an answer.
  • In exchange, we learn from each other. From person to person.

Of course, everyone is always welcome, whether you are actively participating or just listening.

We would also like to ask you what other topics would interest you in the 3 Principles online discussion group. We’re doing a little poll on Wednesday night about that. If you can’t be there, feel free to email us your requests.

We are very much looking forward to the evening together!

You have never been there?

  • No problem! You can join or skip meetings at any time. Just as it is coherent for you.
  • Just sign up. Then you will receive all the info, the zoom link and the reminder for our next meeting.
  • The whole thing is free of charge and without obligation for you!

We look forward to seeing you!
Martha, Antonietta, Andrea and Sandra

Info about Andrea, Martha, Sandra and Antonietta
We did the transformative coach training together. Since then we have been friends and regularly exchange information about the small and large changes in consciousness, their effect on our private and professional lives.
You don’t know us yet? On our 3 Principles Online Discussion Group website you will find our profiles and info about who we are and what we do: www.3prinzipien-gespraechskreis.org

The post Speaking from the Heart appeared first on Online Conversation Circle.