The last discussion group evening where we left the topic open and you were able to use the space for your questions and concerns was almost a year ago. It’s…
“Inner peace: the 3 principles give us a better understanding of harmonious coexistence”
Next Wednesday, July 3, 2024, at 7 pm we will meet again for our online 3-principles discussion group. I am delighted that Paola Royal will be joining us to delve…
Martha Tretter in the studio talk on Radio Wien
On 23.6.24 at 12 noon, Martha Tretter will be a guest on Radio Wien with her book “Grüne Glücksorte in Wien” in a talk from the studio with Jasmin Dolati….
Off into the unknown
Ich lade dich herzlich zu unserem nächsten Online-Gesprächskreis ein, der am kommenden Mittwoch, den 1. Mai 2024, um 19:00 Uhr stattfinden wird. Als Gesprächspartnerin darf ich Lisa Berner mit dem…
Invitation to the 3P discussion group: “Head cinema vs. reality”
I cordially invite you to our next 3P discussion group, which will take place next Wednesday, February 14, 2024, at 7:00 pm. This time, we are focusing on a topic…
Invitation to the 3P-DACH conference with 20% discount code
I hope you’re doing well and that you’re spending some lovely fall days. Today I would like to surprise you with an invitation and an offer. The second 3P-D-A-CH conference…
Challenging relationships
Wir laden dich am kommenden Mittwoch, 1. November, 2023 um 19:00 Uhr zum von euch gewünschten Themenabend über (schwierige) Beziehungen ein. Wir alle kennen Situationen im Berufs -oder Privatleben, in denen wir mit…
Invitation to the 3P D-A-CH Online Conference: the solution is within you
The solution lies within you: a fresh look at being human The second German speaking Three Principles Online-LIVE-Conference of 3P D-A-CH is starting! And I’m happy to be able to…
Speaker at the 3 Principles Conference in November
The time has come – the second German-speaking Three Principles Online-LIVE-Conference of 3P D-A-CH is about to start! And I am pleased that I, too, can contribute as a spokesperson…
Speak from the heart
We invite you to join us next Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 7:00 pm for an open topic evening. If you have a story you want to share, bring it….