Life is change Heard it before and thought: yes, it can be, but I find it difficult. I do not like it. And the past two years in particular have…
Highs and lows in the run-up to Christmas
There are seasons that for many people are particularly closely linked to perfect moods and traditions. The season of Advent and Christmas often gives me mixed feelings. On the one…
When loneliness becomes too much
Since Austria is back in lockdown, I feel like I’ve seen more posts and articles on the subject of loneliness. The requests to speak and the drawing of attention are…
Get out of the lockdown carousel of thought
Lockdown again. I live in Vienna and Austria will go into lockdown for the 4th time tomorrow. For many, this decision came as a surprise and triggers intense emotions. In…
Transformative coaching – My offer until May 2021
Do you want to sniff? Get a feeling for whether coaching might be right for you? As part of my coaching training, I am currently offering appointments at discounted rates….
What is transformative coaching?
In transformative coaching, a space is created for your own knowledge about your current situation and about our being human in general. You can find out why you are acting,…
How does coaching work?
Currently, I conduct most conversations online, primarily via Zoom. Depending on the possibility, an on-site meeting can also be arranged. An appointment lasts about 45min-1h. Either I start with an…
Why is?
Life is basically simple. For many of us, however, it is very complicated and entangled. Solutions and ways out seem far away, if at all conceivable. We go in circles…
Why did I choose this coaching approach in particular?
I have dealt with personality development for many years. Especially in difficult phases of my life, after traumatic experiences, failed relationships and a lot of searching for meaning and calling….