Highs and lows in the run-up to Christmas

There are seasons that for many people are particularly closely linked to perfect moods and traditions. The season of Advent and Christmas often gives me mixed feelings. On the one hand a longing for these atmospheric moments by candlelight and baking biscuits with the family and on the other hand a reality that was often far away. I sat alone in Vienna and worked, I didn’t care much about Christmas decorations because I wasn’t there for the festival.

These weeks with pictures in mind of how everything should and could be, but maybe not, let doubts, fears and disappointments arise. The need to belong becomes stronger and we seem to perceive the lack of it more clearly. We feel an emptiness, loneliness and separation in the midst of colored lights and happy songs.

But what do we really feel? We feel our thoughts. We feel our assessment of the situation, the comparison with others and our mood is sinking. Things look worse from this place.

Apparently, nature and the season also do their part. It’s dark, rainy and cold. The plants withdraw, everything goes into hibernation.

When our mood elevator starts up again from the basement (and it always does, it has a built-in automatism), we may be able to take a fresh look at the situation and ask ourselves a few questions:

  • Can I also shift down a gear?
  • What things are good for me and can I just prioritize them for myself?
  • What is not good for me and from now on I will leave it no matter what the others say?
  • Can I see the thoughts that are dragging me down and not taking them so seriously?
  • Can I recognize the beautiful moments as such and experience them in the here and now?

I wish you curiosity about what is happening and how you are feeling. And above all a harmonious Advent season for you.

If you would like to talk to me as part of a coaching lesson, I will offer 5 free places in December. Let’s take a neutral look at your issues together. Just send me a message .