Curious about the 3 Principles of Relaxed Success with Shailia Stephens on 7/6/2023?

Next Wednesday, 7/6/2023, 7:00pm, I am pleased to welcome Shailia Stephens to our next 3 Principles Conversation Discussion Group.

She will share her experience on the topic: “The 3 principles of relaxed success”.

Maybe you’re curious about what relaxed success can be and how you can apply the theme to your life and professional situation.

Shailia gives us some wonderful insight on top of that:

“By 2014, I had been a business and marketing coach online for 6 years.

I had already reached the six-figure sales mark, my business was about to jump into the multiple six-figure range, and yet I was anything but happy.

I was exhausted, stressed out like crazy and ready to drop everything.

The condition I had unintentionally created negatively impacted my emotional well-being, physical health, and my most important relationships.

Despite my coaching master’s degree and all the personal development tools I had at my disposal, I couldn’t get myself out of my own deep hole.

To the outside world, I appeared confident, successful and happy … and that was true to a certain degree. But inside I suffered kept this fact hidden from the world.

In late 2014, I discovered a completely new understanding about life and being human that catapulted me into a sense of inner peace and well-being that I had long forgotten.

I discovered the “3 principles” of relaxed success

If you’re a coach, consultant or trainer building your own business, if you’re a career lady doing great things in your chosen profession, or if you’re a mother shaping your children into loving and contributing people, this LIVE call is for you.

I want you to know that whatever you do, you can approach it from a deep inner peace, joy and clarity. I want to share with you what helped me fall back in love with life and my business and leave stress behind forever, while creating the success I want to see in the world.”

Shailia trained the 4 of us as part of the Transformative Coach training together with Lea Wernli. This is another reason why we are especially looking forward to the evening with her and are very grateful that she will give us all insight into her very personal story with the 3 principles. We are sure that there is also a lot for you.

See you soon (maybe already by Wednesday at 7pm?)

Very cordially


PS: Feel free to forward this e-mail to people you care about who might be interested.

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The post Curious about the 3 Principles of Relaxed Success with Shailia Stephens on 7/6/2023? appeared first on Online Conversation Circle . On our joint website you will find all the info about the 3 principles discussion group.