Invitation to the online 3 principles discussion group

Things have gotten a little quieter here in the past few weeks. Now there is news, the project “3 Principles Online Discussion Group” is ready to go. I am very happy to be able to present this joint project with my three dear coach colleagues Andrea Häcki, Antonietta D’Angelo and Sandra Liane Braun.

The free and non-profit discussion group starts next Wednesday, March 16th, 2022 at 7 p.m. on Zoom.

All information about registration and us coaches can be found on the website www.3 .

In the future, the discussion group will always take place on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. The next dates are: 6.4.2022, 4.5.2022, 1.6.2022

Being able to offer all interested people an uncomplicated, free opportunity to hear something about the 3 principles, to calm down and maybe see something new for themselves is a matter close to our hearts as coaches. Everyone can contribute or just be there and listen.

The first evening will be dedicated to our personal stories. In the other discussion groups, we focus on different topics.

Maybe some of this applies to you:

  • You are simply curious and want to discover something new.
  • Your life feels exhausting and everything is just too much for you.
  • You have no one to talk to and you feel alone. Even in the midst of people.
  • You feel ‘wrong’ the way you are or ‘different’ and like you don’t fit in anywhere.
  • You torment yourself with circling thoughts about your life and what is happening to you.

You wish:

  • I finally want to rest.
  • Have more courage and feel less fear.
  • hope and confidence.
  • Trust in me and in life.
  • lightness and lightheartedness.
  • Find meaning and arrive with me.
  • I want someone to listen to me.
  • I would like to get a different perspective on my topic.

We look forward to everyone, just stop by and be there. Completely non-binding and free of charge.