Hooray, our book is here!

I can hardly believe it, but here it is at last. Our book “And then it was easy” is available today on Amazon in paperback and eBook!

The book is about how 20 people found inner peace and joy in life again – and how you can too. And even if you just need a little more flow in your life, the book is incredibly inspiring. It’s a true heartfelt project: for the past 7 months, 20 people whose lives have taken a turn for the lighter have been writing down their true stories. FOR YOU!

No matter where you are in life or how you are doing right now, you too can have it easier.
Really: there is so much hope for a turnaround.

When you experience some effort or tension …

I and the other authors of “And then it was easy” understand you so well! Because our lives were once pretty heavy too, and lightness seemed to be something we lost at some point along the way to adulthood. In these true stories, we tell of the insights that led to our lives becoming easier. And we point in the direction of a simple understanding of life and being human that is so profound that it has the potential to change your life.

You can order the book here:

I hope you enjoy reading it!
Martha together with 19 other wonderful co-authors


PS: Thank you so much for your lovely feedback on my reading of an excerpt from my chapter on Facebook. I was very happy! You can check out or listen to the short readings here in my podcast.