Fresh start in the new year

The new year, which is still young, invites you to start again. Many of us link new projects and plans to symbolic data. As already described in the previous blog article , I don’t think much of pulling something through here with strict willpower. Far too often these resolutions fail and result in disappointment.

Of course, the beginning of the year can have something magical and maybe it is the right time for you for something new. Maybe deep down inside you feel inspiration to take a step or there is something you want to do because it gives you real joy. Do you feel the difference There is no external pressure packaged there, the point is not to do something, because the others do it too. If something comes from your heart, not from your intellect, it will be much easier for you to implement it.

In case you’re encouraged to start over, here are a few thoughts on that.

Why we like to postpone a first step in a new direction may also have to do with the fact that we feel insecure. Going into unknown territory means that we don’t have any routines for it yet, that we don’t know what to expect. We would like to be able to look a bit ahead to get more certainty that this step is the right one.

Out of this uncertainty, great storms of thought can arise. We try to think everything through carefully and doubts arise. Should I actually dare to do that? The old, if unloved, seems so familiar and safe by comparison.

One of the “3 principles” that guide our lives is “wisdom”. Each and every one of us is connected to it. Many of us have just forgotten how to perceive the impulses of wisdom. We can always trust our inner wisdom and follow it moment by moment. Today we can’t see what the situation looks like after taking the next steps. That’s impossible. Only when the time comes will we know what to do.

Does that mean we shouldn’t plan anymore? No, that is not what it is called. Plans can be good and important, but we shouldn’t stick to them too rigidly and adapt them to developments as we walk.

So we can be on the road with us and dare to do new things. Our inner wisdom and a flexible plan with you, step by step.